Firstly you have misquoted the figures, based on an exchange quoted at R1 = 12c (US$) I calculate the actual value of the debt to be cancelled as ( $US 77,233,333.-).
"Cape Town - Cabinet has approved the cancellation of a R926.8m debt owed by Cuba to South Africa, government communications head Themba Maseko said on Thursday.
The debt arose out of insurance cover provided to Cuba by the Export Credit Insurance Corporation of SA for the export of diesel engines and pesticides in 1996, he told a media briefing following Wednesday's regular Cabinet meeting"
This question shows a limited and localised understanding of WORLD AFFAIRS. Now, everyone knows that the Yanks are penalising foreign businesses that deal with Cuba so closing accounts and writing off debts is an economic strategy that results in part from US economic aggression. Countries cannot, at least up until now, resist the Yankee dollar or afford American sanctions. The Washington Mob know this and exploit politics for their own economic ends, either you with us or against us.
According to 2007 figures South Africa's GDP was US$ 576.4 billion, so I calculuate (now the numbers are getting big...and I have a kak calculator...LOLL) the figure to be cancelled to represetn 0.69% of the total GDP of South Africa- not much really these days. Whereas the AIDS epidemic could cost South Africa as much as 17% in GDP growth by 2010.
Third World countries, as you claim both Cuba and South Africa be, should help each other and likewise should not be indebted to each other . Is it not hypocritical of nations to cry about debt and then have debtors....?.
It can also not be denied that Cuba has obviously been a friend to the South African left and the anti-apartheid movement and that Cuba does a lot of good work in Africa sending doctors and teachers- there is a good feeling towards Havana in the Developing World. South Africa are one of the, I believe, 148 (against) 2 UN nations that have voted against the illegal Yankee blockade and economic warfare that the Washington Mob have waged against Havana for the last 50 years.