Don't know, don't care.
The African should have marked that day as a glorious occassion worthy of mass celebration and jubilation, it was the day that marked the west freeing the natives from savagery and ignorance and ushered in a new era of hope, joy and prosperity, one with food for all and western medicine to cure the self inflicted disease and famine of Africa.
Instead of celebrating this momentus occassion, Africans chose to overpopulate and then spread vicious lies to the world that they were somehow oppressed and brutalised, they openly embraced the evils of communism and Islam and forced a mass exodus of skilled labour from the land only to replace those who have left with incompetent graduates of third world institutions whose degrees are roughly comparable to a western primary school education, they long to join their brothers throughout Africa in the queue for handouts from the West while all the while demeaning and oppressing europeans with their racist agendas and asenine government.
One can only wish that Van Riebek had not wasted the time and energy that it took to bring civilisation to an barbaric land.