You forgot to give us these websites, read them yourself and be surprised:
There in USA, you are still not safe from getting shot with a gun, FOOL.
hit back punk
Back to you punk.
What is your point?
I pretty much know that the number of murder and rape cases in USA can be higher than that of SA, but the percentage per population remains higher in SA, but does that mean it's acceptable for USA to have a lesser percentage of deaths than that of SA?
I'll tell you what is acceptable:
ZERO people should be murdered,
ZERO people should be raped,
ZERO vehicles should be stolen,
A list is endless. All these ZERO's is not the case both in USA and SA, we only differ in percentages. So if you might just stop looking accross the ocean and start looking around you, you'll realize how unsafe you are there in USA. We Proud South Africans have got our own overwhelming mess which we also need to clean, and that is not your business.
You seem to have a problem about me being in UK. Yes I'm in UK, but I remain Proud South African. While I'm here, I do a lot for South Africa. I will not go into details because that is still not your business.
Come'on Punk, hit back again.
You really need some help bru, you have a background problem and it's very clear that your past and your presence is a total mess. You've had a tough time in your life, that's obvious from the way your behave. I don't think you are smart enough. You are fighting a losing battle. I don't think you've ever fought a winning battle, you are always a loser. Let me connect some pieces of information I have gathered about you;
* you are very much interested in boxing.
* you are very much interested in movies.
* you have answered someone and said you are only 42 yrs old, meaning you were born in 1964.
* you were born in South Africa, and you seem to know Johannesburg more than any other SA parts, you must have been born in Johannesburg.
* your screen name in Brad Morris
All the points above make me conclude that you are the same Brad Morris who tried to be an actor but became a piece of sh*t.
You are still the same Brad Morris who tried to be a boxer but became a piece of sh*t again.
You lived a shity life in South Africa and then fled to USA in 1994 and still lived a shity life. Your life is shity bru.
You've got anger and frustration and you think South Africa is responsible, that's why you're now presenting with a pschological symptom called "displacement".
You need to consult a psychologist.
For other readers who may be puzzled what I'm talking about, here is the link; which I got from one of my friends who knows this loser so well.
"How is spying going in UK?" It's going very well, thank you. Your mate (Alf Garnett) said I'm an asylum-seeker here in UK. Please let him know that there are countries whose citizens do not qualify to seek asylum from other countries. South Africa is one of them. South Africa only accomodates the asylum seekers.
Did you say you're still actively involved in entertainment? Wrong! This (Yahoo!) is where you're actively involved. You are always here. You've got nothing else to do, loser. I don't even know you, infact no one knows you. Thanks to one of the Yahoo Users who gave us the website with your info, with an aim of informing us how much of a loser you are. If you were really somebody important as you say, you wouldn't have this much time to spend on Yahoo. Did you also say you have been a professional boxer and you wish I was there in front of you so that you could prove it to me? You are obviously intellectually challenged and you can't handle it anymore. Be smart and use your brains, not your muscles. You are one of those unsuccesfull wannabes and you're busy searching for something you are best in doing. Yahoo Answers is not it. You are still a loser. Try something else.
Bru, your life is the least thing I'm interested in. As I said before, I don't even know you. I'm only interested in getting the **** out of you, which I'll probably not succeed in doing because you're sh*t yourself. You were probably looking for fame, you couldn't find it in movie industry, because you are a loser. You couldn't find it in Kickboxing sport either because you were still a loser. Now you are here on Yahoo Answers, still looking for fame. Bru, you are living a very pathetic life. Asylum? A British official went to South Africa to interview me for the job I'm doing here. You are not informed about what asylum-seeking mean. Unfortunately I'm not informed either because my life has never been as miserable as yours is. I have to go to work. I've got important things to do. When I come back from work I'll check on you again. Talking to you is hitting me with a strong wave of nausea, bru.
"Does he really believe that any third world moron has anything to offer the UK?"
I can't believe Alf Garnett has just asked the question above. UK is leaving on Third World countries. This country is full of a bunch of uneducated morons, everyone knows that. Citizens of this country (so-called First World) specialize in breeding, drinking as you find pubs in every street corner, knifing, house-breaking and even car theft (not hijacking though). The whole country looks like toilet holes for god's sake you can't even tell if this country is first world. Go to Asda or Tesco or Morrisons and see if you'll find anything produced in this so-called first world country. Everything comes from the Third World countries. So for his question, third world countries offer this country everthing. This country has got history of third world dependency. It went as far as attacking South Africa in 1899 to 1902 for South African gold. At least the Dutch were there to settle and not to attack and colonise a third world country. This country is full of foreigners like me because its people are a bunch of uneducated people eg Alf Garnett. Someday, this country will be lead by a foreigner.
You Brad Morris, I'm done with you, bru.